
President of NPP misleading the People of the State- Kharshing

President of NPP misleading the People of the State- Kharshing

Recently the statement made by Conrad Sangma, National President of the National People’s Party (NPP) which he claimed that ‘NPP will not form an ally with BJP’ misleading the public said, Mr John Kharshiing General secretary of the Meghalaya Pradesh Congress Committee  (MPCC). Kharshing said that it is sad that such statement is made by a leader, who people of the state look up to, he added that it is known by all that four NPP MLAs are in Manipur’s Government which is in coalition with the BJP.

 John Kharshiing also said that it has been reported that the NPP and the United Democratic Party (UDP) are also constituents of the North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA) one can see their association from pictures posted in the official website of the BJP.